Helping Fans Help their Favorite Bands Helping Fans Help their Favorite Bands is a community of fans selling music and merchandise for their favorite bands online. Bands get the same royalties, but 10% goes to their best fans. And, it's free for fans to Join! Click on "For Fans" or "For Bands" below to get started helping your favorite bands today.

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For Fans
For Fans
Want to make money just supporting your favorite bands and sharing your favorite music? Sign up with us for a free account and MerchMelee profile. It takes less than a minute.
For Bands
For Bands
Suscribe to an your fans can sell your music directly, and share it everywhere online. You can choose if you want to authorize downloads, CD sales or even other merchandise.
Become a Fan-Seller
Become a Fan-Seller
Help your favorite bands by sharing their music online. And make money doing it!
Browse through our catalog of music and merch by the names of your favorite artists and their fans.

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