Brian Frodermann

Here are some of my favorite bands. Help me support them by buying from my page. It’s the same music, and the bands get paid the same. You can get a page to share your favorite bands too!

Loose Ends

Loose Ends explores 10 years worth of musical inspiration, combining the songwriting talent of John Fellman with electric stand-up bassist Matthew Carey and Rob DeWidt on 5-string electric violin. The result is best described as “electrified orchestral folk.” Intricate acoustic guitar music is overlaid with beautiful string parts and simple melodies. Guitars were provided by some of the world’s best custom builders, including Charles Hoffman, Lloyd LaPlant, Bill LaPlant, Marshall BrunĂ©, Ron Tracy and Tim Reede. The music touches on classic themes of life, death, relationships and history.

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Price: $10.00


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Fox Motel

Fox Motel is a compilation songs by John Fellman for his wife. But she and others liked them so much he decided to publish them in a solo acoustic EP. They””re simple songs about love and life together done with just John and his two guitars.

Special thanks to Chad at Natural Recording Studios for laying this down in one afternoon and for getting it mixed and mastered in the following week (I had a radio spot airing in 2 weeks to promote it, and it kind of had to be online by then).

- John Fellman

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Price: $5.00


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